Style Guide (Mostly links to code aesthetic and theprimeagen youtube videos)
- We don't overly nest code: Never Nesting
- We prefer composition over inheritance: Avoid inheritance
- We test our interfaces, but only when it helps us iterate faster.
- If we didn't have tests, we wouldn't be able to make changes quickly.
- We unblock ourselves to build features as fast as possible by testing the things that help us.
- We don't test units that are subject to implementation changes, and we try to test lower levels than E2E when possible because those don't give great insights about what went wrong
- Testing
- We only use comments to describe "Why" or to describe complex math such as deriving a math formula: Don't write comments
- We don't prematurely optimize. We use usecase-realistic benchmarks, not micro benchmarks, to measure the importance of optimization: Pre-mature Optimization
- We are all building engineering around a Ridge Regression model. Summary of what that is to keep in mind: Ridge Regression
- We practice agile development:
- Engineers prioritize customer facing features over anything else all the while constantly iterating over them through regular feedbacks